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Pic #2715

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:) :| :( :D >:) >:D :sneaky: :o ;) :/ :P :lol: :mad: :rolleyes: :cool: :duh: :blush: :cry: :boohoo: :crazy: :what: :gamer: :barf:

Miss Jiffy @ Sunday, April 6th 2008, 7:36 PM
I'll never finish this, so I thought I might as well post this. D: One reason is because her chest is making me angry. And since paintbbs totally ruined my layers when I saftey-saved it's gonna be a bitch to fix if I wanted to. SO I know her chest is crazy looking. XD

Just look past that and try to enjoy it as it is. (P.S. does anyone know if they'd buy customized shoes from me?...for like 80-100 bucks? Depending on the cost of the shoe... I am thinking of starting to do them, since I did some for two friends and myself. I dunno how to go about doing it though.)

Kay, Happy Baby Day. Though not really.

Oh...and now it's not showing a preview! THANKS!
mixel @ Sunday, April 6th 2008, 8:46 PM
Lol, fixed the thumbnail for you (it does that sometimes, weird!)

Aww, hehe.. It looks nice in base colours anyway. ^^

Well. My little person is laaate. (Hurry up in there..!) Do giant elfy ears start off that big, or do they grow later on? I've never seen pics of long eared elf-babies.. Or any elfy babies thinking about it.
mixel @ Monday, April 7th 2008, 5:46 PM
My cats were like that too.. :D

Yeah the boob area looks fine to me too.