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Pic #2037

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Comments (NiftyToo Usage)

:) :| :( :D >:) >:D :sneaky: :o ;) :/ :P :lol: :mad: :rolleyes: :cool: :duh: :blush: :cry: :boohoo: :crazy: :what: :gamer: :barf:

Miss Jiffy @ Monday, September 10th 2007, 4:17 PM
A new character of mine! His name is Ramuek Reborial. Yes he IS a guy. Just a pretty guy, who cares about the way he looks. He isn't gay though, totally straight...just acts gay. Flamboyant per say. He is also a High Elf with a very high ego, self esteem, and pride. He thinks he's the best thing that's walked the planet. Haha. Don't rain on his parade, he'll kill you, quite literally. (He's not exactly a good guy.)

Anyways, OH MY GOD I TRIED SHI PAINTER! HOLY CRAPAMOLIE! XD Hahaha I strayed from my trustie BBS...yes...oh how I miss you so. But anyways, used the water color tool for hopefully it turned out good in your eyes! I might edit it later to add in his gold highlights...we'll see what time gives me. x3

OH YES...the timer is off, not sure by how much though. I was watching the Greek marathon and working on a collage for AP Artssss inbetween...hahaha.