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Pic #2713

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Comments (NiftyToo Usage)

:) :| :( :D >:) >:D :sneaky: :o ;) :/ :P :lol: :mad: :rolleyes: :cool: :duh: :blush: :cry: :boohoo: :crazy: :what: :gamer: :barf:

Post-apocalyptic Sainsburys @ Wednesday, April 2nd 2008, 4:38 PM
Ted Bundy had a fetish for long haired girls. Hm. I miss mine.
Post-apocalyptic Sainsburys @ Wednesday, April 2nd 2008, 7:00 PM
why adult this for depiction of breasts when almost all of my other pictures have boobs and aren't on adult. besides, i dont really see how breasts are an 18+ thing since you get them in 12 and 15 movies &c. but then again, mod' rules go so theres not point in arguing. i was just wondering.
mixel @ Thursday, April 3rd 2008, 6:24 AM
If you really want to know - abstraction. Most of your depictions of nudity haven't been this graphic - or they've been stylised to an extent where I've not felt it necessary. The pose and focus of the piece gives the breasts more emphasis than your usual artistic nude thing.

There are no hard fast rules so its just down to mod/admin disgression. Adult doesn't mean "18+" here it means.. "lets not throw this in the face of minors who visit without them asking for it first." Depictions of nudity largely come under "adult". it doesn't mean we have anything against the pic either.